Friday, November 5, 2010

Invaders of the Kitchen!

Now if you have been paying attention and have read my posts from the beginning you will remember when I said that I had been lonely and without company from probably the 70's? Well I lied. I had a few friends stay with me. The small furry kind with tails. In fact they turned my cabinet over the sink into a mouse condominium of sorts. Only they forgot to install proper plumbing and even though it appears they didn't stay around too long and inhabit the entire trailer, they left behind evidence of their once happy existance.Above is a picture that was sent to my new dwp's and they still came to get me! Can you believe it?

This is the mouse condominiom. My new dwp's decided this cabinet needed to go! It was actually one of the first things they did.
Here are a bunch more photos, nothing I am too proud of just an example of what my new dwp's were dealing with.
It looked like someone had tried to paint over the yucky mess at one point.

Pretty bad, huh? Well you should have seen the man dwp. What a baby. Never heard anyone whine so much when it was time to touch this mess to remove it.

Here it is removed. The lady dwp was much better about removing my cab. I'll bet the man dwp never changed a diaper either judging from his attitude! I mean the lady didn't enjoy it, but she was much more mature about it!

Everything was sprayed and cleaned and treated and then the new wall was put up over new insulation and framing..

The lady dwp put on her carpenter hat and with some help from the man dwp she built me a new cabinet. It's not done yet, still needs shelves installed but it sure makes me look better!

At one time I was well loved. Ahhh....the cooking that went on in this little getaway! My dwp's knew this was true by the mess that was left on the aluminum splash guards. Covered with grease from all those egg and bacon breakfasts! And my old owners were too busy having fun camping to clean up properly.


Just look at the side splash guard! The one against the back wall was also covered but the dwp's forgot to get a picture of that.

Well, with a bunch of good old fashioned elbow grease my splash guards were all cleaned up and a new side splash guard wall was even built from scratch. My stove area looks much better now. The stove still needs a thorough going over but it's all there and it's original!

This is the sink before it was cleaned up.
Before the sink was cleaned and polished.

rusty nails removed and replaced with shiny new ones

These need a good shining too!
The cabinet over the stove was removed because a new ceiling section had to be put up. Well it was cleaned, sanded and shellaced. New "vintage style" welting was added and it was put back in place. Curtains were made for the little window in between the cabinets. The cupboards and drawers were sanded down and shellaced and the aluminum trim and chrome covered drawer pulls and hinges were cleaned and shined. None of this took place without an event here or there but overall it is coming along quite nicely! Here are some pictures of what I looked like throughout the process... 

You can see that the ceiling panel has not yet been replaced.

This hanging light bothers me. Feels like I have a hernia inside here! And the lady dwp, she just had to hang those curtains just to see what they would look like when I am not even ready for them yet!

The dwp's say it is hard working in a small space but they are making fine progress/

above the top drawer is a really cool pull out cutting board!

I still have my original light over the counter! It matches the one over the dinette, which I will show you later.
As they say...some of us clean up quite nicely! Hopefully tomorrow will be a much nicer day because I just can't wait to see what they are going to do to me next. If it isn't and I have some free time for blogging I will show you the dinette and closet space on the curbside wall. Well, time for a break and time for a lil more of old Glory's beauty rest. Until next time, pleasant dreams of beautiful Shastas!

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