About us...

Hello, welcome to our page. You must be a fellow travel trailer lover just like us. Well then grab a cup of coffee and join us on our journey as we rescue discarded dreams and bring them back to their original glory!
We have experience in restorations dating back more years than we care to mention! And we have worked hard doing things for other people and felt that grand sense of accomplishment on a job well done. Somewhere along the line our outlook on life changed a little bit. And then one day we said, hey, why not try doing something we love as our own business? So, we finally took the leap and went for it. And today, we are restoring vintage travel trailers so that people like you can once again enjoy them. This is truly a labor of love and we put our hearts and souls into every trailer we restore. We rebuild them as if we were building them for ourselves, and we expect quality workmanship that will last the test of time. I mean after all, isn't that the whole reason for dragging these old beauties out of the fields of doom to begin with?

Building a blog is kind of like rebuilding or restoring a vintage travel trailer. Sometimes, the task seems so large that you just don't know where to begin and you're never quite sure where it will end either. As a matter of fact, sometimes you just don't know if it will end. 
Usually, as I am sure many of you can attest, it never does actually end. Hopefully, it just keeps getting better and better. And when it does, somewhere along the way, we become more and more obsessed with these new "love's" of our lives.
 The '63 Shasta Airflyte was the first travel trailer we restored for someone else's enjoyment rather than our own. Ah...piece of cake we thought! We have done this kind of stuff before. Yet, until you really get into it you just don't know what you are into until you are knee deep into it! And there is always something new to learn and once you learn it sometimes you get lucky and find an easier way to do that! Sometimes there is no easy way and hence the reason so many call this a labor of love!
 I can't even begin to mention the things that took more time researching how to do than it did to actually do. My saving grace was the information put out there by those of you that either learned it the hard way, the easy way, trial by error, and so on. Wasn't long until I learned that other people had the same questions I did. We were in the same trailer (no pun intended). How to seal windows, stop leaks, fix the furnace, repair the plumbing, make curtains and cushions, replace old flooring, shine up aluminum, repair wiring, pack bearings, hang birch paneling, what kind of paint to use, spray or brush....the list is endless. And whether you are new to this or an old hat I just know you have something to contribute. My hope is that this will be a place we can all come to so we can learn from each other. No one person has all the answers but together we can benefit tremendously! I am sure of that much!
Now, back to the task at hand of building this blog. If we build it they will come. So, if you have any advice to pass on, some neat thing you did that you are proud of or even some mistake you made that you wouldn't mind sharing so others don't do the same just send along an email to ghandi_thedog@yahoo.com. I will be sure and post it. Or if you have a conundrum that you just can't solve ask away in the comments section below and I will get right on finding you an answer or two! I am no expert but I did learn where to look for information and will do my best by you. Kind of like the "Dear Abbey" of Vintage Trailer World!
Someday, all the vintage travel trailers will be back to their old glory. Until then, let's give each other a hand!
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Thanks for visiting and I look forward to the times ahead!

For now, here is just one visual for why we are trailer nuts!